
Trademark information


The apintra plc group has made significant investments in its software and services. These materials are protected worldwide by intellectual property laws, including copyright laws. The apintra software products, services, web content (including videos and images), and related materials (hereinafter apintra materials), are owned by apintra and/or its licensors and may only be used in accordance with the guidelines below or pursuant to an agreement between you and apintra (e.g., software use agreement, service agreement, EULA, terms of use, affiliate agreement, or other agreement).

Guideline for trademark use

A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these components. It identifies and protects a provider’s product or service offering and sets it apart from the competition. Unregistered or pending trademarks may be marked with the trademark symbol ™. Registered trademarks are provided with the trademark symbol ®.

Currently registered apintra trademarks are:


apintra trademarks stand for high-quality products and services and distinguish apintra offers from those of other companies. apintra develops and protects its trademarks with the utmost care and reserves all proprietary rights to its trademarks. To maintain the integrity of our trademarks we ask you to use them properly.

Use of apintra trademarks by partners and other third parties

apintra partners and other third parties are allowed to use the name “apintra” and apintra’s product names to refer to apintra and apintra products in text form or to refer to compatibility with their own programs or applications as explained in more detail below.

apintra partners and other third parties are not allowed to use or integrate the apintra logo, the name apintra, a trademark of apintra, a product name or similar variations in their own company, product or service names, slogans, domain names or logos. Partners or other third parties may be granted access by apintra to logos, branding and other communication materials that identify them in the marketplace or distinguish them from other companies, for example by licensing official partner logos. In addition, the name of a social media account, username or website of a partner or other third party may not contain apintra trademarks, as this would create a likelihood of confusion, leading consumers to assume that the corresponding website or account is affiliated with or sponsored by apintra. apintra logos may only be used with the express written permission of apintra.

We have compiled these guidelines for trademark use so that you can distinguish proper from improper use of our trademarks.

Proper use of apintra trademarks.

Follow the guidelines below for proper use of apintra names and trademark symbols. You can look up the correct spelling in the current list of apintra trademarks.

Always use apintra trademarks in the correct spelling and in correct lower/lower case. Do not change the marks in any way.

Correct examples:

apintra® Software

apintra® ERP


Incorrect examples:

Apintra® Software




The registered trademark “apintra” an “SyncLine” is valid for all products or services provided by apintra- that means everything apintra produces as a product or offers as a service.

In this context you refer to apintra® software, apintra® service, apintra® offer, apintra® application, apintra® solution, apintra® technology, etc. The trademark symbol is only required for the first mention in the title and text. In some cases, e.g. for event or advertising materials, the trademark is sufficient at the first mention in the continuous text.

Do not use brand symbols when referring to apintra as a company and not the brand.

Do not use the trademark symbol ® in statements such as “apintra announced today”, “apintra provides solutions to customers” and “the apintra development team”. Similarly, you can use the possessive form “of apintra” or “the apintra” when referring to the company, not the brand. For example, you can use “the vision of apintra,” “the market share of apintra,” and “the years of experience of apintra” in your message. In many cases, the possessive form is not necessary: “apintra employees work extremely hard.”

Self-test: ask yourself if you are referring to the group/company on a product or service of the apintra brand. If you are referring to an apintra brand product or service, use the ® brand symbol.

Do not use marks in a possessive manner.

Correct examples

Uniform user licenses are available for apintra® ERP.

SyncLine® services

Trademark reference

In any material in which an apintra trademark is mentioned, the correct trademark notice must state:

“<apintra-MARKE(N)> is/are trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of apintra plc or its affiliates in Germany and other countries.”

In your trademark notice, replace the placeholder <apintra-MARKE(N)> with the names of the apintra trademarks mentioned in your material. Place the notice either on the copyright page (e.g. in a brochure) or at the end of a document if there is no copyright page (e.g. in promotional material or in a press release).

Trademark reference – Correct example: “apintra® ERP is a trademark or registered trademark of apintra plc or its affiliates in Germany and other countries.”

Other prohibitions and restrictions

Third-party trademark notices

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Flash, PostScript, and Reader are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

Amazon Web Services, the “Powered by Amazon Web Services” logo, and Amazon S3 are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Apple, App Store, FaceTime, iBooks, iPad, iPhone, iPhoto, iPod, iTunes, Mac OS, Multi-Touch, Objective-C, Retina, Safari, Siri and Xcode are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc.

Facebook, the Facebook and F logos, FB, Face, Poke, Wall, and 32665 are trademarks of Facebook.

Git and the Git logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc, where the Git project is located, in the United States and/or other countries.

GitHub and the GitHub logo are registered trademarks of GitHub Inc.

Google App Engine, Google Apps, Google Checkout, Google Chrome, Google Data API, Google Maps, Google Mobile Ads, Google Mobile Updater, Google Mobile, Google Store, Google Sync, Google Updater, Google Voice, Gmail, Gmail, YouTube, Dalvik and Android are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google Inc.

HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P.

HTML, XML, XHTML, and W3C are trademarks, registered trademarks, or claimed as non-proprietary terms by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), or Keio University.

IBM, AIX, CICS, Cognos, Db2, DB2, developerWorks, DS4000, DS6000, DS8000, Easy Tier, FICON, FlashCopy, GDPS, Guardium, HyperSwap, IBM API Connect, IBM BLU, IBM Cloud, IBM Cloud Integration Anywhere, IBM FlashSystem, IBM Services, IBM Spectrum Storage, IBM Watson, IBM Z, IBM z Systems, IBM z13, IBM z13s, IBM z14, IBM z15, Informix, InfoSphere, Integrated Language Environment, MQSeries, OMEGAMON, OS/390, OS/400, Parallel Sysplex, Power, POWER, POWER7, POWER8, POWER9, Power Architecture, Power Series, PowerHA, PowerPC, PowerVM, pureScale, RACF, Rational, Redbooks, Smarter Planet, Storwize, System i, System Storage, System Storage DS, System z, SystemMirror, Tivoli, Watson, WebSphere, XIV, z/Architecture, z/OS and z/VM are trademarks of IBM in the United States and may be trademarks or registered trademarks in other countries.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows Phone, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Silverlight, and Visual Studio are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

Mozilla and Firefox and their logos are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

Novell and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server are registered trademarks of Novell Inc.

OpenText is a registered trademark of OpenText Corporation.

Opera, Opera Mini and the O logo are trademarks of Opera Software ASA.

Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and its subsidiaries.

QR Code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated.

RIM, BlackBerry, BBM, BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Bold, BlackBerry Pearl, BlackBerry Torch, BlackBerry Storm, BlackBerry Storm2, BlackBerry PlayBook and BlackBerry AppWorld are trademarks or registered trademarks of Research in Motion Limited.

The Skype name is a trademark of Skype or its affiliates.

Travis CI and the Travis CI logo are registered trademarks of Travis CI GmbH.

Twitter and Tweet are trademarks or registered trademarks of Twitter.

UNIX, X/Open, OSF/1 and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group.

All other names of products and services are trademarks of their respective companies.